Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007 Starry Night

Ok, this painting needs an explanation. This is my first copy of another artist's work. I have always loved Vincent's work, but he simply wasn't an artist I looked to for inspiration. So, 2 weeks ago a young artist (5 years old, in one of my art classes), Hugh, gets inspired to copy the reproduction of this painting. That too is another long story from which I will spare you. Hugh does a magnificent painting which will be part of his group's "museum." After that, on his daily visits, he asks me, "What did you do in your studio this morning? Did you paint a Starry Night?" Finally knowing that children have insights we can be blinded to, I, too did a Starry Night. Now I need to figure out how to make it my own. That will come on another day. Now at least today when Hugh asks me I can honestly say, "yes.",

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for Hugh and good for you. I like the starry night. It's joyous and makes me feel kinda bubbly inside until I want to giggle.
(Or maybe I'm just reacting to the end of a day of parent-teacher conferences.)