about 24x 30 pastel and watercolor on Uart paper
Earlier in May I posted the watercolor underpainting for this one. Now after a couple of weeks of work I am close to completion......That means it is time to let it sit and think and not do. Reactions will come later.
So how long do you let them sit? Do you walk by them all the time or do you turn them away and then take them out and surprise yourself? I'm curious...
Hi Karen,
I will let them sit for anywhere from a week to a year. If I am actively looking for a solution (like this one) I will place it in an area of my home where I am constantly present (oftentimes the living room.) Other paintings, those nearing wipe-off, are stored away for a later surprise. Good question.
Letting a painting sit for a while is a good idea, especially a large one like this. I always have a more challenging time of it trying to finish a large one. (More questions than answers) Lovely, vibrant painting, Loriann.
You're right Janelle. Larger paintings are much harder. What was one small stroke before is now more complex. Questions are good.
Hi Loriann,
I want to wish you much success with your upcoming show. I have looked at the paintings that you posted since last Wednesday. You have a beautiful sense of color that is very much your own. I am reluctant to say anything about Golden Fog since you are still thinking about it. For myself I think that it is a fully realized painting. I will also place a painting where I can see it and let the solution come to me. The only criticism if I may is regarding Horses & Hills. Perhaps the painting would have been stronger w/o the fence being so literal. The black horse did break up the flow of the painting. This is of course only my opinion . The sky in that painting was perfect. This is why I think that you should also paint cloud & sky studies. Looking at the paintings from the last week it seems that you an affinity for that subject .
I finally went out to paint using just paint with a fellow artist last Friday. We went to one place only to find out that a wedding reception was going to take place. Finally we arrived at yet another park only to be bitten alive by bugs.Yes we did use bug spray with Deet but undeterred we painted. I have to say that while my painting was not all that great it was the experience that counts. I did have to go to the doctor yesterday to have a look at all these bites and get some antibotics just in case. I am learning to make adjustments working plein air with the Chroma Atelier acrylics . In my studio I have no problems with acrylics -it is going plein air that I run into some problems. Then again the only way to learn about the landscape and work with the materials is to do the work. I did go out by myself last Saturday by myself going back to colored pencils. BTW- coming home from last Fridays outing had left me charged up . I ended up finishing a painting that had been sitting on the easel. I do not have a web site at this time. That "event" is still in the future. I do have my invitation card from my last one person show that I could send to you if you would like. Although that show was a few years ago the paintings shown on the invitation card are still a good representaive of my work. I can sense some changes coming which makes for an exciting road ahead.
Thanks for your insights about painting.
Plein air painting definitely has its challenges, the pay-offs make it all worth it. Don't you think?
Do send me your card. Email me to my personal email and I will give you my address. Just press-see my full profile and it will direct you to my email.
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