Before I say anything else I want to thank all my subscribers, followers, commentors and browsers for taking the time to check in on my art. It means a lot to me. Daily we artists create in a vacuum of sorts. Just to know someone likes to look is a comfort. THANKS!
Next, a couple of days ago Brian E. had asked me a question like,"do I feel more inspired after a competition?" I said I would get back to him. Well, after thinking, I know the answer.It goes like this...... Last night I watched the Red Sox/Yankees game. I have been an avid Sox fan since childhood and one thing I know about these particular games is, because of the long held rivalry between the teams, the game is intense and both teams play their" A game." Well, it's just like painting. When it's a competition I paint my "A game." What that means is I pay attention to each component (value, color, edge, composition, temperature, mood, etc.) that I know I should, just like I do in a studio piece. I realized that en plein air I can sometimes not "finish" a painting to its best possible end. I will reason with myself..."well, it's just one of my vitamins (one a day.)" What an awful confession! I guess the moral to the story is I need to be on my "A game" as much as possible.
Nice analogy and well said. You've tapped right into the struggle I go through and probably all plein air painters go through. Nice piece and I always look forward to the next! Cheers til next week
Good to know I have such talented company as you, Brian! And yes you are probably right. It is probably something all plein air painters go through. Have fun in NJ!
Other plein air this the same for you???????? Do you paint your "A game" every day?
Hey, Loriann - I'm so glad you're part of Red Sox Nation! I'd been offered a job at a paper in NY, and Peter and I, living in Maine, had a looong and serious discussion about whether we could be happy in Yankeeland. As it was, my boss (and dear friend, dead of a heart attack at 54), fired me when the Sox won the Series the first time. He hired me back before the day was over but still... Did you ever see the tabloid front that showed Jeter kneeling, head in hands, at home plate, with the headline - "Pigs Fly, hell Freezes Over, Sox win the Pennant"? That was our work.
Long digression. I try to bring my A game every day, but sometimes, I'm David Ortiz, this season. Then, I bench myself for a while, analyze, send myself down to Pawtucket for a while, and work my butt off until I feel my A game returning.
One other thing (I know this is long, sorry). We paint in such solitude. I treasure anyone who takes even a moment to look at my work, even if they don't say a word to me. Knowing that someone - anyone - other than myself and my poor husband are seeing it, that helps me go forward. It's that curtain call, you know? Even a little one.
I know what you mean. For me, no matter if it is plein air or live models (which is like plein air with the nude human as the landscape) I have good and bad days. I do also, think of on site painting as a vitamin and it all adds up to keeping in shape. I also see how taking breaks is part of the balance. I am currently taking a break from painting my nudes and trying to get outside for the season to exercise those muscles - and they really need it. I am not up to my game and searching in an uncomfortable place, producing work that is not the best. But I do know that it's leading somewhere.
See you soon! in Yankee land :>}
Hi Carrie, fellow Sox fan. I love that headline...pigs fly! And Big Papi is coming out of hi slump, as will you!
Bow for the curtain call and enjoy the moment! Cheers, Loriann
Hi Gretchen, I can understand how all artists feel with way. Enjoy the plein air.Look forward to seeing you soon!
And I should have known that you would be a Yankee fan;-) L
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