Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Song of Green and Blue

about 10x10 pastel and watercolor on Uart paper

Dang! That sky just snuck its way into the painting...I just couldn't resist this time! Maybe tomorrow I will go back and resist.
Dude of the Universe-chillin' on the porch...for Jala
Isn't he adorable?


Melinda said...

Your work is so consistently good!
And, I love your kitty. I used to have a cat who could have been your cat's twin. Your guy is a cutie, indeed.

You know, there is something very engaging in the two dark points in the mid ground--one on each edge. Graphically, very interesting.

Brian McGurgan said...

Beautiful earth tones and greens here, Loriann. Your cat looks quite satisfied and content, too.

loriann signori said...

Thanks Melinda. The Striped Dude will be glad to know he is admired from afar.
Thanks too about the painting!

Hi Brian..thanks!