Saturday, September 12, 2009

moving from the literal

7x7 pastel on Uart paper
I went out to the field to study sunrise, but the clouds were still very heavy and quiet after yesterday's rains. It's funny how the yellow flowers draw me to this field but they are also the thing most challenging to fit into a pleasing color harmony. The toned down sky helped me understand a different way to approach it. This afternoon I will take this small painting in the studio and work on a new one with a similar color palette.  There I will have even more freedom.
Today I managed to move from the literal on the live for the painting. Yay!

I end with a quote from Carlson:
'Too much reality in a picture is always a disappointment to the imaginative soul. We love suggestion and not hard facts."


Bob Lafond said...

I am always amazed how the colors of grass, weeds, flowers, leaves always seems more saturated when the sky is subdued. Your 7x7 inch field looks monumental.

Anonymous said...

just beautiful masterful handling of pastels... and like the quote:)r.

loriann signori said...

Thank you Bob and rahina!

Brian McGurgan said...

Gorgeous color, Loriann. Great quote, too, from Carlson. Suggestion really is everything, I think, and far more exciting than fact.

loriann signori said...

You are right Brian... and you are so good at that element of suggestion.