Friday, May 13, 2011

BFFs- my muse

9x9 pastel and watercolor on Uart
 Do you frequent a few spots repeatedly? I sure do. I can count the spots on one hand. It's almost like these locations become part of me, like a best friend. I no longer question what she is, instead I can listen for nuances. How is her day going? What is she feeling?
This is early morning out at Needwood; this pond is a favorite. She speaks to me and yet I can be totally myself with her.

PS Sorry about the blogger thing that has happened in the last couple of days. It was completely down, no posting, no comments. Thank you to all who sent me emails!!!! I think Blogger is now up!


Celeste Bergin said...

Yeah, that blogger malfunction thing was odd..glad everyone is back. Your BFF is looking gorgeous!

Casey Klahn said...

Glad you are back.

I'm afraid to say I don't recognize this scene, so you are doing your job of interpreting each painting differently.

BTW, I found a new area by my house that has produced some images - my new BFF.

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

I always struggle with a new painting location. The problem is that I try to do too much, include too much. With a familiar (and local) painting spot, I take my time and paint what charms me that day. I don't feel the urgency to get it all down, like I do at a new place. What a thoughtful post! Katherine

Ehsan HG said...

i like these landscaps

Anonymous said...

HI Loriann,
I am glad that BLOGGER is back up & running.It is an empty feeling when one is cut of from communicating
because BLOGGER is on a "coffee" break"

There are some artists who need to travel and see what is over the next horizon. For myself I prefer to find those few spots that I can draw upon for inspiration. I usually draw sometimes using mixed media en plein air and then back in the studio I create my paintings. There are times that I do enjoy going somewhere new and sometimes one needs to find another place just to shake things up and recharge the creative flow. Yet within driving and walking distance there are a few places that have what I need. Whenever I return I always find something to engage me. I have also noted that certain landscapes have stayed with me even though I have not explored them in many years.
Lately I have been reading through the last chapters of "Full Bloom",The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe written by Hunter Drohojowska Philp. I have been reading Book Three, Being, 1947--1986 which deals with her life after the death of Alfred Stieglitz. No matter where she travelled and drew inspiration from it always the landscape of New Mexico that was her primary source. I am also thinking of Neil Welliver whose landscapes of the forests of Maine
are so deeply felt. I think that we as artists on a subconscious level put into every painting all of the landscapes that we have experienced.


Caroline Simmill said...

Soft summer colours and the light is shining beautifully on the water.

loriann signori said...

Hi Celeste! I hope blogger behaves now!
Thank you about my BFF!

Hi Casey!
It was weird to be 'off blog" wasn't it?
Amazing, you didn't recognize my BFF. I guess she has grown i new ways. Congrats on your new BFF.

Hey is challenging and I agree I too will easily paint to much.It's sort of like when you meet someone new and you want to make a good impression. Too much work!
Thanks about my post!

loriann signori said...

Thank you Ehsan!

Hi are right, it is like being cut off. I am glad it's over.
I agree with you, while I will travel, it is to the same places. We do need a connection.
Interesting idea you put out-about painting with each landscape we have ever experienced in our head...hmmmmm.