Thursday, April 4, 2013

clouds and Albert Handell Interview.

New goodie to read- an interview with Albert Handell- Master landscape painter. Check it out. Link here.
And another large B&W cloud study. I am doing a lot of these.... if you can't make your clouds read in black and white, go no further.
pastel on BFK 14x22


Casey Klahn said...

Your sky is so expansive. Drawing skill you have!

There is also a new interview of AH on You Tube somewhere.

loriann signori said...

You are so kind Casey! Thank you!
I will look for AH interview on youtube thanks for the heads up.

Celeste Bergin said...

thanks for the Handell link and these wise words about clouds

loriann signori said...

Thanks for stopping by Celeste! I hope you enjoyed the Handell article.