Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Secret Santa for the brain

Secret Santa for the Brain.....
Yes, that's what I have taken to calling my process of working with my eyes closed. It's about memorizing and feeling. Then drawing with my eyes closed.I create the entire set up without my sight...then I open my eyes and see what I have.Then I continue my work as I navigate the skeleton my brain has given me.

I have found that this work leads to  discoveries. I work in black and white only (right now.)  The work is all about feeling and then looking closely and seeing what you have. Opportunities abound when you stop planning and allow the painting/ drawing to dictate what is next.

These are all large pastels, at least 18x24, sometimes 20x30. I couldn't do it small since I feel your whole arm needs to be involved not just your hand.


Teri said...

I love these so much Loriann. I am dying to try it because it seems so satisfying. I hope you are taking good care.

slice4e said...

Such a great idea to try! Sometimes, I have an image in my mind, which I would like to capture. I close my eyes, try to visualize it, and then I open my eyes and try to draw something. (Often without much success). But I love the idea of staying with eyes closed and exploring this way!

loriann signori said...

Hi Teri and Martin,

I delighted to hear this idea is exciting to you. I love to ignite my day with this exercise. I either go plein air painting or do a secret santa. Please let me know how it goes, ok?
