8x5 pastel on twinrocker |
I have been working on a large oil painting of sunrise and feeling like I have it all wrong. So I will be spending more time sitting in my favorite mall parking lot studying the light. Here is today's 6:00am study. The clouds were coming in so quickly (from the left) that it required more memory than direct observation.
I will return to my list next week.
This has a beautiful early morning feel to it, Loriann - lovely work. I'm hoping to get some drawing done outdoors this weekend after a long hiatus and cut some Twinrocker paper down to size last night. I've been enjoying your posts on things to think about while drawing and painting. It's been helpful reading as I prepare to jump back in after six weeks or so of being caught up in other things. I was also very happy and relieved to read your health update yesterday and to hear that your recovery is going very well.
It is a good morning when I get to see your sketches. I definitely had to consider the time of day when working on a large morning landscape this past week.
I pictured your set of images from the other day.
Hi B, excellent job, you've certainly captured the right feeling color and shapes. I think I've seen this sunrise before.
Get some rest!!
Hi Brian, It's good to see you back again. I hope all is well. Thanks so much about my recent posts. Enjoy your return to the great outdoors. I am looking forward to seeing your new posts.
Hi Casey,
Large morning landscape, eh? Can't wait to see!
Glad my images could help a little.
Hi PB, Yeah, I guess my early mornings can tend to look similar. This is a brand new one, hot off the press! Thanks about capturing the feeling..now I want to do the same in the oil with which I am struggling!
PS I am resting, on ice, as I write!
This is really nice - so much movement! I feel like I've been studying the light more recently - and thinking about a lot of your observations. Thank you for reminding me to slow down and really look.
Hey B, I didn't mean your sunrise looked like other sunrises you painted. What I meant was, I watched a sunrise like this in my life and am always amazed how beautiful they are.
The colors of a sunrise change so quickly - I can never keep up! I give you credit for getting out there so early so you can be set up and ready. This one is really nice, Loriann.
what is twinrocker?
well...this definitely looks like early morning to me. I love the look of it...I can feel the cool air
Hi Loriann,
I have been trying to lessen my time at the computer and create more art. Slowly but surely I am getting back to a more steady flow. Reading the past few blog entries have been very informative. I am glad to hear that your recovery is going well and that each day you are getting stronger. It will take time for your body to adjust but before you know it you will back to full speed.
Regarding your comment that you have a feeling that you have it all wrong. I cannot stand in one place for any amount of time so I have to sit. Sometimes I will sketch the river across from Dunkin Donuts which is a few blocks from my apartment. I edit the trees that I sketch-trying to get a general idea.I eliminate some branches and simplify the scene so that I can capture a sense of place. You should not worry about the clouds for what is important is to get down the general idea. Even though I am not familiar with the mall parking place that you were located it seems to me that the painting of which you refer to is more successful than you realize. I really like this 8x5 pastel study-once again you have captured a sense of place. I can "feel"' the cool morning air .
Hi Jane! Thank you about the painting!. Thinking is always a good thing. I think there are two different kind of painters:thinkers and impulsive. I used to be impulsive. Now I am much more of a combo...how about you?
Hi PB, I am so sorry..I misunderstood! I guess it's me thinking they begin to look alike...remember when I painted the reservoir everyday and I thought those were beginning to look too alike? it's wonderful people like you that help me realize. Thanks for the compliment... and sorry for the misunderstanding !
Hi Donna! They do change so quickly, I can't keep up either...that's where memory comes in. Thanks for your kind compliment.
Hi Celeste, Twinrocker is wonderful handmade paper. Here's a link:
I'm more impulsive - but trying to follow your lead and think more before jumping in!
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