Wednesday, July 2, 2014


pastel on uart

"For a painter gray is the richest color, the one that makes all the others speak." Paul Klee
You see is when you look at the great beauties in art (my bias) In the later part of his life George Inness was the master of grays. He uses only a small piece of pure chroma surrounded by neutralized color (grays.)


Lisa McShane said...

I love this one!

Donna T said...

Yeah, this is a beauty, Loriann! I love the weight of the sky.

Caroline Simmill said...

So elegant, I am wondering what size this painting is Lisa.

loriann signori said...

Thanks Donna. The sky really does seem to weigh more with fog.

Hi Caroline,This painting is a pastel about 8x8". Plein air.