Wednesday, November 26, 2014

how to choose a subject and you make the painting

I parked my car in a small lot in Sligo Creek Park. The sun was low so I knew I only had maximum 45 minutes till it had dissappeared for the day. Choose and choose fast. My brain told me- "You make the painting, it doesn't have to be there."

Which brings about another favorite Wolf Kahn quote.
 Choosing a Scene in a Landscape: "Avoid cliché when looking for places to study and paint the landscape. Often, when I’m observing a scene I want to paint, I look for chaos. Chaos in nature is immediately challenging and forces a good artist to impose some type of order on his or her perception of a site. When I find a scene that provides that type of challenge, I return to it over and over again, both physically and mentally in the studio, continually searching for new insights."
"A studio visit with Wolf Kahn" by Jonathan Phillips, American Artist magazine, 1 May 1997

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends from the U.S.!


Donna T said...

Oh my goodness Loriann, this is stunning! A painting of heartfelt emotions instead of a literal depiction of a place; beauty revealed in chaos! Happy Thanksgiving!

loriann signori said...

Thanks Donna.I'll take you as my critic anytime! Happy Thanksgiving!!