Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Drawing 365: Tips and Techniques to Build Your Confidence and Skills.

Here are two pages from Katherine Tyrrell's excellent book Drawing 365: Tips and Techniques to Build Your Confidence and Skills. The book has been printed by North Light Books in the States. I am honored to have many pastel paintings included. (Thanks Katherine!) It's a very helpful book filled with excellent tips and beautiful images, must to have in your collection. You can order it with this link on Amazon.
I have posted two pages with my work, both are plein air pieces.
P.S. The Asian printed book (Page One Publishing) is titled 365Hints and Tips for Drawing and Sketching.
Here is a link to Parka Blog where you will find an in depth review.


brian eppley said...

Congrats for the inclusion in the book Loriann. Well deserved!.Your work is a constant inspiration to me.

Donna T said...

Wow, this looks like a great book! Congratulations Loriann!

loriann signori said...

Thank you Donna and Brian! Your kind words made my day.

Elizabeth Merchant said...

North Light is one of the premier art publishers. From Zoltan Zabo to John Pike. To be included among those artists is real artistic coup. Congrats to you.

loriann signori said...

Thanks so much Elizabeth!