Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Trying new methods

7x7 uart paper
I absolutely love summer! There is simply so much more time. I do enjoy teaching, but I must admit that when I have only one brain to wear- the painting brain- I feel my art work can take off. All I think about is painting! Hike at the lake in the morning to plein air sites, then during the heat of the day settle into the studio for a good work session.
Since I am hiking I am trying different papers and using only watercolor. Back in the studio I just put my mind back there and paint with pastel. I am exploring all different base surfaces...more about that later. 
I will also write about the Mountain Maryland Plein Air soon.


slice4e said...

I love summer too, but try living in Arizona ;)

loriann signori said...

I guess everyone needs an off season. Even San Diego has the Pineapple express come through in December.