Monday, April 11, 2016

getting to the danger point

Like a homing pigeon I return to the beauty of trees, in particular, red trees. I am tempting fate with my new series. How far can I push the beauty of the color and not allow to get too garish or quiet? How close can it come before the tipping point yet stay there and entrance the viewer?  How much light , dark, intense or neutral does a painting need?  This is why I paint.


Liz Steinglass said...

Wow. This one's on fire!

Sandi Graham Pastels said...

If this is danger....I love it! Vibrant and wonderful !

loriann signori said...

Thanks Liz and Sandi!

Karin Goeppert and Kenneth Burns said...

This is very beautiful! I really love the atmospheric quality.

loriann signori said...

Thanks Karin!

loriann signori said...

Thanks Cathyann. this is what makes painting a different experience each day. Enjoy!