It's really hard to make the feeling of softness in the grasses. Layers and layers of color with a very warm underpainting was my plan. hmmmmmm.
This field is down at the end of a road that ends at the river. Lowell sent me out there to go to his sister Kay's farm. I met them on Thursday. When I went to the farm I was instructed to walk through the fields to the river. Her husband said not to worry about the bull in the fields. He will just look. Then when I asked, "What if he gets curious?" He replied, "Good, you have running shoes on. Go to the river, bulls don't swim." Now, knowing my recent luck with wild animal sightings I decided I might do better in a Bull-less field.
Everyone here is so nice and helpful. It really is a great place to paint; nice people, beautiful fields and rivers!
Oh, how funny. When I started reading about the potential bull, I thought, No, Loriann, don't do it!!! Seeing as how there was a turtle, then a bear...
Really, Loriann, no one expects an artist to have to deal with all of these dangerous animals! I love what you did with this field and am so happy that there's at least one other person who appreciates a field for just being a field. It's a big expanse of ever-changing color!
Glad you managed without having to make a run for the river, Loriann. Plein air painting is challenging enough without those kinds of hazards. I was doing a watercolor once years ago outdoors sitting cross-legged on the ground with my watercolor block in the grass when a mouse came out and stood in the middle of my painting, looking all around at it. He stayed for a few moments and then scampered off. Much better than a bull, bear, or snapping turtle. On another occasion an overly enthusiastic pet dog came bounding over to me and jumped all over my pastel box, scattering my pastels all over. I was less pleased about that...
Jala, I must have been hearing your voice in my head...because normally I would have gone straight ahead!
Donna, It's all part of the job, right. I can hear too that you are a field appreciator. Do you know any good fields up your way that i should visit?
Brian, We plein air painters should just get together and share our "war stories" at the plein air convention! I am sorry to hear about the pastel box. What ever happens just don't mess with the box!!!!!!!!! I guard it with my life, don't you?
I'm so glad that you chose this location. This work is simply spectacular. I love the sky contrasted with the field and think this is successful on every level.
There is something...color choice, atmosphere, something that reminds me of New Mexico. Fantastic.
Thanks Melinda. I didn't think about the similarities between NM and the Shenandoah but I can see it now. Thanks for your comment.
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