9x12 pastel on uart

Christine had an idea. Why don't we use the wheelbarrow to cart our stuff for the 2 miles? The plan was made: meet at the slough 5:30 AM. And off we went. The painting isn't anything special but the experience was. And it is my last day here. Whaaa.
I take my hat off at your ability to lug a loaded wheelbarrow such a distance.
Have you ever though of getting a used kids bike trailer (with third wheel) they can be extremely light as my burley was only 7lbs and could carry 100 lbs.
The painting is very good and the field photograph reminds of a classic painting scene.
I will show a few notans, but a the course the instructor wanted more detailed images before painting which I will also show.
Hi Niels,
Thanks for your input.I will consider your idea for future excursions. Usually I don't travel so far on pavement. My norm is to just hike in with my backpack and shadebuddy. The wheelbarrow was actually fun to share with a friend.
I look forward to seeing your notans.
Loved seeing you and Christine "on the road" with the wheelbarrow. If there ever is a plein air competition for recommended equipment I think you two might be out of the running. But it looks like it did the trick. Love your painting. Hats off for ingenuity. too!
On the contrary, this image is a very fine one of the slough. I really love the split perspectives of the slough and the backgrounds - a cunning element, IMO.
Hi Marianne, Thanks for stopping in while you are on vacation and for your comment. The wheelbarrow thing was really pretty fun. Next time come and join us!
Casey, Hi!
I can't get away with anything with you...can I? Now let me go check your blog, my river friend.
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