Saturday, March 6, 2010

green tinted morning and whistler

10x10 pastel on BFK
Whistler's method was to go out at night, stand before his subject and look at it, then turn his back on it and repeat to whoever was with him the arrangement, the scheme of color,with as much of the detail as he wanted. The listener corrected errors when they occurred, and, after Whistler had looked long enough, he went to bed with nothing in his head but the subject.  The next morning, if he could see upon the untouched canvas the completed picture, he painted it; if not, he passed another night looking at the subject.
So today when I painted I first looked closely and took written color notes.  After completing that I did some work and later finished it in the studio. I will use the "sleep on it" method next.

I will post the outcome of the voting tomorrow. I have to compile the online, emails and verbal votes. Thanks everyone for all your input. I really appreciate the time you took to look and comment. Voting closes today at 8:00PM . Have a wonderful warm weekend! (Here it's finally warm!, Yay!)


Karen Lewis said...

Do you find yourself able to remember color notes? In much detail?

loriann signori said...

Hi Karen,
I have been doing lots of memory work in the last 6 months. As time goes on I get a little better. When making this painting I took detailed notes and began the painting at the scene. The detailed notes allowed me to finish and helped make a more solid concept. Sometimes I do the entire thing in the studio. Usually that when I know a scene inside out from repeated painting at different times. I find that the note taking before painting makes me THINK rather than just react. It's a constant journey, right?

SamArtDog said...
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SamArtDog said...

So it was Whistler's theory that a subject's afterburn would eventually appear on the canvas? That's pretty trippy. Just what was that glaze he was breathing?

Casey Klahn said...

Stunning work, and also thanks for the Whistler insights. I want to study him, too. His days at West Point (I recently read) had him as a slacker who liked to draw. Go figure.

I also have good vibes about the Mar 7th image, which opens up the perspective inside the trees. I like that very much.

We could talk forever about art direction - your work continues to inspire me.

loriann signori said...

Now Sam you have to realize that you are talking about my man Whistler. Sounds trippy, but he did do it! Aren't his paintings amazing? Especially the nocturnes.

Hi Casey,
Yah, isn't that weird..slacker. No way. He was just in the wrong business. Lucky for us he was kicked out of West Point. Thanks about my direction. Your work inspires me as well.