Tuesday, December 1, 2015

small painting sale on facebook!!!!!!!

On Friday, December 4th, at 12:00 noon EST I will have a small painting sale on my facebook page. You can see my page even if you do not participate with facebook. Paintings are priced to sell. All will be unframed and I will ship within three days! The price will include shipping within the USA.
This is one of the12 beauties I will be selling....to see more drop on over to my page. Loriann's facebook page link
Hope to see you there!


Joey J said...

I don't buy on Facebook, it is too unprofessional/kiddie. Got nay other places to buy art?

loriann signori said...

Hi Joey,

I am sorry you feel that way about Facebook.I was resistant at first but now since I have an artist page there I am impressed with the amount of business it brings me. Honestly it's more than 5x the amount Blogger ever brought. I keep my blogger account because I feel it appeals to different folks. I thought of posting both places but I think it would be hard to be fair to the buyers( and i might get a little crazy!) You don't have to be a member of the FB community to look. So if you have a moment please do pop over. You can always access my work at the Waverly Street Gallery or email me from my blog.

Thanks for looking!