Sunday, December 23, 2018


flash 1, 10x15 about

flash 2, 20x20
Ah, Flash. My sweet kooky Flash was quite a rascal. She did one very remarkable thing long ago, she chose my husband. Flash hated everyone, but me; until one day when this new man came to visit and she promptly sat in his lap. That was the moment when I knew I should take a closer look at this one. Fast forward, Flash and my hubby had a love affair for 20 plus years. During that time I painted her and that painting sold. Many years later my husband said, "I wish we still had that painting." He said that same thing about once a year since. So finally I took the hint. I made a new Flishy Flash fact two of them. he will get to choose. Which one to you like best?


Mitch said...

I think Flash 2 has slightly more mystery, and I like the tail being included. But I'm sure neither one will disappoint.

Teri G Robus said...

Hi Loriann - I like Flash 1 because of the red on the nose. 20+ years is a good long life for a cat! Our Figaro was 19 when he died, many years ago. We now have two young kitties.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Much Happy Painting to you!

Unknown said...

Flash #2

loriann signori said...

Thank you to everyone who weighed in, either by comment or email. My hubby still can't decide so Flash 1 and 2 sit in my studio. I prefer Flash 2... it's the mystery that does it for me.... it's more of a painting than a cat. I do love my kitties.