Monday, September 16, 2019

we are the new contemporary painters- evolve and discover

Learning from the past is something all artists do. Sharing ideas and cross pollinating these ideas between artist groups is what has spurred on movements and discovery in the arts throughout time. Knowing that, we wonder, what can I contribute? What does our time period give to the masses? I think about this all the time, especially when I teach my beautiful high school students (on Saturdays.) They question everything. They want to know why is Joan Mitchell's large color statements as important as George Inness' Tonalist pieces? How can we  talk about Louise Nevelson's huge piece in the American Art Museum and feel it as we do Joseph Cornell's boxes.
Then you go see what the innovative artists of today are making. This summer when I was in NYC  I saw one artist's wild carved, layered sculptural pieces of acrylic paint- he carved the paint!!!!, I was taken by beautifully abstract long photos of the Thames River by....... They stopped me dead in my tracks. One woman made hanging veils of acrylic paint that were translucent and resembled the feeling of laundry hanging between the tenement buildings .....but with a veiled luminescence. People are finding the answers to new all of the time. It's truly exciting... It gives hope.
Then it goes back to questioning myself (and yourself.) Why do I (you) create?
What motivates me (you)??
There is no reason to just do what has been done before.
The work I will share now is from my summer. It doesn't truly show my direction...yet. Each day I now spend time experimenting. I am feeling better. Thinking I might be finding a way, not just doing.


Lisa Le Quelenec said...

I came across this quote a while back that made me pause:

“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”
― André Gide

(I love the idea of hanging veils of paint - I can imagine the beauty of the light infusing through.) It looks like your summer was very productive, happy experimenting and best wishes.

TravelingArtista said...

Loving your work, Loriann! Newly discovered .. and already I have a number of your pieces saved in my "Inspiration" file. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous paintings and inspirations. ENJOY CREATING!

loriann signori said...

Thank you Lisa and Artista!
I get that it has all been said and done before.... but since we paint to move forward, it's all new... and searching.
At this particular time of Covid it seems imperative to find our hope through our art. Paint on my friends!
And as always, I appreciate your comments.