Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20, 2008 unfinished song

2 panel/ diptych, about 20x26 together
This is a studio piece made from all my field studies. A serious challenge! I set out thinking about how much I am going to miss that field and the longing I already felt. I am not sure if that concept comes across. Instead, what is apparent is my love/passion for that special place. I am not sure how to make the feeling of longing. Tomorrow I will go back. I have two more days here all by myself to obsess and enjoy my field.
Yesterday when I was there I met a perfectly lovely woman. She asked me if I wanted to go on a walk to see the view. (of course) The view was majestic. She also graciously shared all kinds of interesting information about the field's native plants and its history. Cool.
Two things I need to keep in mind about my painting- 25/75 and accents. I will share more about that next time.

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