I have been traveling a lot this past week, thus the erratic posting. Today I am staying at my friend Domi's place in the Massanutten Mountains. It's quite beautiful. On my way here I stopped to paint in an area off Skyline Drive (Shenandoah Mountains). I just set up my easel and then I had another visit. Not a deer or snapping turtle this time, instead it was ...... an adult black bear (huge). I decided to sing (I'm totally tone deaf). It has worked before as a bear repellent. The bear left, but I decided it might be better to find a new spot. This painting was created down by the Shenandoah River. The heat and humidity are both high, it's a full summer day. I tried to make that feeling- lazy, hot...like that song, "Summertime, when the livin' is easy. Fish are jumpin' and the water is high....." You know. I won't sing it for you.
Thanks Domi for the wonderful stay!
Wonderful sunlit slope.
Like the purples too.
Thanks for the BEAR repellent tip! Just in case.
Beautiful, it does have that slow heavy hot feeling. Wow, a bear! I've always wanted to see one in the wild...maybe not so close, though. :)
Your painting story is too funny. I think you should write a book on all your painting adventures along with images of your work. Another beautiful painting, Loriann!
These two (this post and the previous one) are brilliant.
Hi Jill and thank you. The bear tip is one I have used many times when hiking. They say it's good that the bear knows where you are, rather than surprise. I have usually paired it with walking backwards (still watching the bear and not turning my back) while singing. So far so good. One time I even had to use that trick when i saw a mama bear and her cub..... now that's a dangerous situation!
Hi Jala..I am glad it has that slow hot feeling. Come this way on a painting trip...I'll take you to some of my bear and other wild animal sites. :-)
Thanks Janelle! Some day I will tell you the story of plein air painting with my friend Barbara...we were treed by peccaries! Now that's scary and stinky!
Thanks Casey and welcome back from your trip!
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